Initial Study of Soil Factors Affecting Growth of Seedlings of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in Arid Desert Area 影响干旱荒漠区樟子松幼苗生长的土壤因子初探
There are 14 bird species in the edge habitat between the meadow-steppe and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica natural mature forest ( denoted by MPN), and its diversity index is 2.2348; 油松松针中黄酮类成分的分离与鉴定草甸草原&天然樟子松成熟林鸟类物种数是14种,多样性指数为2.2348;
Change of Soil Fertility in Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Natural Forest in Sandy Land 沙地樟子松天然林土壤肥力变化的研究
Selected production and processing of Pinus sylvestris, Finland wood, Southern Pine, Meranti and other anti-corrosion, charring wood products. 精选生产加工的樟子松、芬兰木、南方松、柳桉等防腐、炭化木制品。
Studies on the Respond of Height Growth to the Climate Factors in Pinus sylvestris Plantation the brush ( small trees and bushes and ferns etc.) growing beneath taller trees in a wood or forest. 樟子松人工林树高生长对气候因子的响应研究树林或森林里生长在高树下面的灌木丛(小树、矮树丛和蕨类植物)。
Response of Annual Ring Width of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Plantation to Climate Change 人工林樟子松生长轮宽度对气候变化的响应
Study on the Induced Discoloration of Poplar and Mongolian Scotch Pine Veneer by UV Light Study on single tree volume equations of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica 杨木和樟子松单板紫外光诱发变色的研究
Study on the Growth Law of Pinus Sylvestris Var. Mongolica. and the Influential Factors 樟子松的生长规律及影响因子的研究
Effect of Sewage-sludge on Growth and Heavy Metal Absorption Character of Pinus Sylvestris Seedings 城市污泥对樟子松幼苗生长及重金属吸收特征的影响
Effects of Zinc Fertilization on the Growth and Health of Pinus sylvestris in Sandy Area 锌肥对沙地樟子松人工林生长与健康状况的影响
On the basis of the automatic control ability of ecological system and the epidemiology of shoot blight of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica, the main approaches for controlling this disease were put forward. 以生态系统的自控能力和樟子松枯梢病流行规律为依据,提出了防治樟子松枯梢病的主要途径:营造混交林,及时进行抚育伐和透光伐,是防治该病发生的根本措施;
Effect of Plant Density on Anatomical Characteristics of Pinus sylvestris Plantation 初植密度对樟子松人工林解剖特征的影响
Establishment and management of Pinus sylvestris seed garden in terms of scale, choice of site, seed garden design, selection of propagation materials, operation as well as techniques in genetic quality assessment were addressed. 本文对榆林沙区樟子松种子园的建立和经营状况在规模确定、选址、设计、建园材料选择、种子园经营管理及遗传品质鉴定等技术方面进行了论述。
Research on Rhizosphere Soil Properties of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica with Different Infection Grades 不同感病等级樟子松根际与非根际土壤性质对比研究
The community structure and dynamics of soil water of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation were studied in a growth season. 对樟子松人工林群落结构和土壤水分动态进行研究。
Optimization of the ISSR-PCR Reaction System for Genetic Diversity Research of Natural Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica 天然山地樟子松遗传多样性研究的ISSR-PCR反应体系的优化
Study on the bioecology of the borers of two species of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica 樟子松两种钻蛀性害虫生物生态学特性的研究
The Study on Ecological Threshold of Water of Pinus Sylvestris var. Mongolica 樟子松水分生态阈值的研究
The trial study on the seedlings of Larix gmelini and Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica. both of which were inoculated artificially with ectomycorrhizae has been carried out for three years in the Central Nursery of Tahe Forestry Bureau of Daxing'anling. 为了提高接种效果.在黑龙江省大兴安岭塔河林业局中心苗圃.对落叶松和樟子松苗木进行了3年人工接种外生菌根真菌的试验研究。
Influence of sucrose quality fraction and pH level on pollen germination rate of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica 蔗糖质量分数和pH值对樟子松花粉发芽率的影响
The Fertilization and Proembryo Choose of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica 樟子松受精作用和原胚的选择
Adaptability and Developing Potential of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in Gansu Arid Area 樟子松在甘肃干旱区的适应性及发展潜力研究
The community structure, distribution pattern, as well as the biological diversity of tree-inhabiting fungi of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica were investigated, and the antagonistic fungi that have inhibiting effects to the pathogen of shoot blight were screened. 对樟子松树栖真菌群落结构、分布格局及生物多样性进行了分析,并从中筛选出对樟子松枯梢病菌有抑制作用的拮抗菌。
Studies on the afforesting techniques preventing physiological drought of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica 预防樟子松生理干旱造林技术的研究
A set of optimized reaction system and program was set up in terms of the influencing factors of ISSR using genome DNA of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica ( Mongolian Scotch pine) as the template. 以樟子松基因组DNA为模板,研究了ISSR的影响因素,建立了一套适宜于樟子松的ISSR优化反应体系及程序,以期为进行樟子松种群间遗传分化的研究奠定基础。
We chose the total stand basal area as the indicator of the size, and established an equation relating the number of trees to the total basal area of even aged pure plantations of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica on sandy soil during their self thinning. 选取林分总断面积作为林木大小的指标,建立了沙地樟子松人工林自然稀疏过程中林分密度与总断面积的相关关系,旨在为沙地樟子松人工林的合理经营提供依据。
Through slice-making and isolated culture, 24 species of fungi have been identified from buds, needles, branches and stems of Scotch pine ( Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica). Among them, there are 3 ascomycetes, 1 basidiomycetes and 20 imperfect fungi. 通过对樟子松叶、枝、芽、果等部位进行组织切片和真菌分离培养,鉴定出真菌24种,其中子囊菌3种、担子菌1种、半知菌20种。
The biomass estimation parameters of Larix and Korean Pine have not obvious trend with stand age, while the BEF^ BCEF and R of Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolia decreases with the stand age increasing, and gradually stabilized. 落叶松和红松的生物量估算参数随林龄无明显变化趋势,樟子松BEF、BCEF和R随林龄的增大而减小,并逐渐趋于稳定。
The main results were as follows: 1. The Pinus sylvestris seedlings 'biomass both above-ground and below-ground were significantly affected by sewage-sludge application. 主要研究结果如下:1.施用污泥对樟子松幼苗地上、地下生物量均有显著影响,各污泥处理生物量变化呈先增加后降低趋势。